Bosch: Legacy - Episodes 7 and 8

Bosch: Legacy - Season 1: Episodes 7 and 8

Released May 20, 2022

There will be spoilers, so read at your own risk!

Oh, and the plot thickens. I'm glad that Honey and Bosch have circled back to our murdered doctor. His killer is literally still on the loose and there's an LAPD detective seemingly hellbent on convicting an innocent man of the crime. We already know that Bosch is going to go “Bosch” on that guy and not only catch the real killer, but expose that detective for his shoddy (and biased) police work. I gleefully await for this moment. I like that Bosch's sense of justice has been passed down to Maddie. It's been nice to watch her on her journey as a beat cop. And, let's talk about how Maddie and the-other-rookie-whose-name-I-cant-remember finally hooked up. We all saw it coming. This answers my question as to whether Maddie is still dating the dude from the Bosch finale.

Now that Honey is a main cast member, it's nice to see things come full circle. We, as the audience, just knew that the girlfriend of the shooter was going to get caught in the crossfire and be killed. But, that didn't make it any less frustrating or heartbreaking to see. I'm glad that Honey is taking on the family's case for wrongful death. I love that we get to see the “other side” of things, and Honey's own code. Her goal of suing the city of Los Angeles isn't to line her own pockets with cash. She wants accountability. She wants justice for the family. Honey and Bosch really aren’t that different from one another. At the end of the day, they both want justice served. They just have different ways of fighting the good fight. With that said, hopefully the family does get some closure, compensation, and the people responsible for their daughter’s death are held responsible.

Now onto our overarching mystery this season, Vance’s heir. Okay, so, we’re pretty sure he was murdered, right? At first, I thought he was maybe smothered in his sleep by the creepy butler dude, but now I'm wondering if that’s still the case. And honestly, if anything happens to Dominick’s wife, daughter of grandson, I will go into cardiac arrest and never fully recover. They're an innocent family who want nothing to do with Vance or his company. It is blood money at this point. But, as was pointed out, there is a lot of good that they could do with that money. That being said, it looks like there is an assassin now?? I think we'll see a shootout or standoff between her and Bosch. Anyone want to put money down on who will win?

It seems like we only have a few episodes left this season, so I imagine they’ll either wrap things up fairly quickly, or else leave a few dangling threads left to tease us for the next season (assuming it gets renewed?).

Tune in for episodes 9 and 10 on May 27!


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