The Hardy Boys - Season 2: First 2

The Hardy Boys - Season 2: First 2 Episodes

Aired April 6, 2022

[Disclaimer: Light spoilers for Season 1 and season 2]

I was bored one day and scrolled through the ‘recommended for you’ TV shows category. The Hardy Boys popped up. I didn't know they had made a show based on the popular book series. Curious, I decided to give it a try. A day later, I had finished the first season, having binged it in two sittings.

I was drawn into the overall mystery, the setting and the characters. It felt nostalgic but new at the same time. I thought it was clever how they’d gender switched Biff to a girl. But, we’re not here to talk about season one. That’s over and done with. We’re here to talk about season two. Although it came out over a month ago, I only just found out and watched the first two episodes this week.

Alright so let’s get into it. First things first. They pulled an “Aunt Viv” on us. That is, they recast the boy's’ father, Fenton, from season one’s James Tupper to Anthony Lemke. I have no idea why this recasting was made, but it was a bit jarring for me. I was watching the first episode thinking “who the heck is this guy in their kitchen?” and then Joe and Frank called him “dad”. I thought maybe I’d gaslit myself into believing that I just didn’t recognize the actor from the previous season (notably, Fenton has a beard this season while he was clean shaven in S1). But, upon googling it, I discovered they did, in fact, recast him. And, that’s not the only recast they pulled on us. Biff’s mom, Jesse Hooper, also appeared this season with a new face. Previously played by Jennifer Hsiung, she was replaced this season with Alli Chung. Let me be clear - I have no problems with either Anthony or Alli. (Fun fact: Alli guest starred on an episode of Dark Matter, a show that Anthony played a main character on. Small world eh?) That being said, I wonder why these roles were recast and I miss the chemistry that the original actors had with the cast. It’s only been two episodes but I’m just not feeling the same level of connection as I did in the first season between the characters. We’ll see if that changes as the season progresses.

I’m also not sure if it’s due to the time between season one and two (nearly a year since the first season finale), or if it’s because the kids are simply older now, but there’s a different vibe to this season. The first one felt so innocent and thrilling. The boys didn’t know what lay ahead and everything was new and scary all at once. This season they are older (at least, in real life, perhaps not in the story - I mean, Rohan, who plays 17-year old Frank, is 25 years old…) and it hasn’t captured that sense of magic for me quite the way it did in season one. Solving the mystery of who murdered your mother is, to me at least, way more interesting than solving the 24-hour disappearance of a fellow classmate. But I guess that’s the problem if you go all out in season one — where do you go from there? I feel the same way thus far about this season as I did about Riverdale season two. The mystery and storyline in season one of Riverdale (and Hardy Boys) was so tightly woven and gripping that you just had to watch to the end to find out “whoddunit”. And once the curtain is pulled back, there’s really no where else to go, I suppose. It’s hard to recapture the same stakes. Your mom can’t be murdered a second time on the show, you know?

That being said — I’m only two episodes into things. I’m going to watch the rest and see how the story progresses and how the mysteries weave themselves in. I will also try not to be alarmed when I see new Fenton and new Jesse on screen. Oh, speaking of Jesse — I’d kind of gotten a “vibe” between her and Trudy in season one. After seeing them kiss in the second episode, I’m glad that they played that storyline out, but also a bit annoyed that we didn’t really see them discuss it at all (at least, not for the audience to see). I do wonder if we’ll see a Biff and Joe romance at some point. Although, it would be a refreshing change of pace if they simply stayed as best friends and found romantic interests elsewhere.

It’s interesting to see JB Cox again — though I’m wondering if we will see him later in the story again as well, and what role he’ll play. It sounds like we’ll also see Gloria again, and not just for a few moments in prison. It looks like we haven’t seen the last of The Eye yet. We’ll see what lasting effects it has on Frank and co.

Oh, one last thing. I love that it’s filmed in Canada - even if it is on the east coast ;)


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