The Rookie - Season 4

The Rookie - Season 4

Aired September 26, 2021 to May 15, 2022

[Disclaimer: SPOILERS ABOUND! Absolutely do not read any further if you haven’t seen the entire 4th season of The Rookie]

Season 4 Poster

So much has happened since season one! First off, our titular “rookie”, John Nolan (played by Nathan Fillion) , is no longer a rookie. He’s a certified P2 officer. Our other rookie, Lucy Chen (played by Melissa O’Neil) is a P2 as well, and even became a sergeant’s aid this season (more on that later!). Our third rookie, Jackson West, is sadly no longer with us. I had an inkling that something would happen to Jackson when it looked like the actor, Titus Makin Jr., would not be reprising his role. No real information has been given as to his departure, although it sounds like the actor left the show of his own accord.

I’m not going to lie, there was definitely a huge Jackson-shaped hole in my heart for the first part of the season. It was hard to see the team struggle with this loss. Especially Lucy. Our girl has been through so much during her tenure. She’s survived so much as well. But the death of her best friend and roommate is definitely something that you don’t just get over in a day. I thought it was lovely that Angela and Wes named their baby son after Jackson. I appreciate that they gave him a real hero’s death. He went out saving Angela and her baby and that sacrifice will never be forgotten.

John Nolan. LAPD’s oldest rookie. It’s been a delight to see him grow and learn. He has so much heart and he wins over everyone (usually…). He’s had a few love interests over the course of the show, but he finally seems to have found “the one” in Jenna Dewan’s Bailey. I’ll admit that as the season wore on, I got a bit tired of seeing her. I understand the show needs to find a way to write her into the storylines, but it felt like such a shoehorn. I eventually nicknamed her “LA’s only firefighter” because she was seemingly at every single scene that Nolan and gang came across. The serial killer arsonist storyline near the beginning of the season wasn’t nearly as enticing as I thought it would be. The killer seemed obvious right off the bat (to viewers anyway, apparently not to Nolan or Bailey) and the story kind of dragged. The storyline with Bailey’s secret-criminal husband was a bit over the top and I did roll my eyes more than once. I’m glad they wrapped up that storyline quite quickly. That being said, before her husband interrupted them, Nolan was going to propose to Bailey. Is this story ever going to be revisited? Though, I’m not really that invested anyway because they seem to be in a committed relationship together and are happy — what more do we need at this point? Lastly, John’s goals of becoming a TO seem to be jeopardized. We left the season on a slight cliffhanger in that we don’t know if John was going to be able to take his TO exam or not. Given the extreme circumstances (busting a whole ring of drug dealers), perhaps special consideration could be given to him to write the exam? I guess we’ll find out in season five.

Nyla’s storyline this season has been interesting. She got a new rookie (Aaron) and she got pregnant. Sidenote: Can we take a minute to acknowledge how criminally underused Aaron has been this season? He’s a great character and a welcome addition to the Mid-Wilshire station, but we often go for episodes at a time without seeing him. I know it’s an ensemble show with many moving parts and characters, but don’t leave our boy out in the cold. More Aaron in season five please! Okay, now back to Nyla. I did feel like her romance with James was a bit rushed — but I know they wanted to write Mekia Cox’s real life pregnancy into the show. I think they’re a cute couple and I hope nothing bad happens to them. I love the friendship that Wes and James have formed together. I think they could do really great things in their community. I imagine we’ll also get some fun baby shenanigans come season five. Lastly, I think it’s nice that Nyla is finally getting back to being a detective. She and Lopez work so well together. I do wonder who will finish training Aaron though…! Perhaps Nolan? Hint hint.

It’s been fun to see Angela and Wes navigate being new parents. I can only imagine how stressful it must be. Wes’ storyline near the beginning of the season had me quite worried. I thought for sure he was going to get in over his head and be killed. I am so glad that he finally told Angela what was going on (albeit, after he took a literally beating with a baseball bat from Elijah). It was good seeing him grow throughout his suspension and ultimately return to law. We also kind of left off on a cliffhanger as it seems like Wes is perhaps moving to the DA’s office. Also, I absolutely adore Wes’ mom and I loved the episode where she’s in the station giving out motherly advice to everyone (to Lucy, but most hilariously, to Smitty).

Last, but certainly not least, we come to Tim and Lucy. I saved them for last because I’m a total fangirl and wanted to save the best for last. Tim finally took his sergeant’s promotion and has been working away. Last we heard of it, he’d turned down a promotion in favour of finishing training Lucy (worth noting because Talia straight up left Nolan, and Angela left Jackson to become a detective). Lucy eventually became his sergeant’s aid, proving herself more than capable on many an occasion. They work so well together, but what got me was Tim telling her that people might “read into it” if he asked her to be his aid. Hmmmm…. Let me just say that I have loved their dynamic since the pilot in season one. Tim was such an asshole to her, but she slowly broke him down and now he’s this big teddy bear with a heart of gold. Oh, how far we’ve come. We also finally got some real Tim backstory this season, with his sister and his father. We really learned about how he became the man he is today. Perhaps most interestingly was the origins of the “Tim Tests”. In a particularly heartbreaking scene, Tim is nearly in tears as he tells (yet is also asking) Lucy that the “Tim Tests” don’t make him like his father. Lucy is quick to let him know that he’s nothing like the abusive old man, and embraces him in a much needed hug.

The writers spent all season (and, arguably previous seasons) teasing a Bradford and Chen hookup (or, Chenford, if you will). I have been firmly aboard the Chenford ship since day one. That being said, the endless teasing began to wear thin near the end of the season — especially as we saw each character go on to date other people. I’m all for tension and teasing, but goodness, either make it happen or pull the plug on it completely. Their “double date” disaster should have been indication enough that these two are more compatible with each other than with Chris and Ashley. The writers finally acquiesced and gave the Chenford fans what they wanted in the season finale: a Chenford kiss. Albeit an “undercover” work-related kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. We left off on a somewhat cliffhanger of the kiss fallout (firming up their backstory, indeed!) and whether or not their undercover operation will be a professional and personal success. Their one kiss will just have to tide us over until season five drops in the fall.

That’s a wrap on season four!

My Season Five Predictions (and hopes):

  • Nolan becomes a TO (or at least is on the path to becoming one), and possibly finishes training Aaron

  • Nyla has her baby and moves back to the detective squad with Angela

  • Wes starts at the DA office and struggles to make meaningful impacts on the system; he turns to James for advice on how to incite change

  • Lucy and Tim go undercover together and explore their feelings for one another (and hopefully along the way, they mention that they’ve broken up with their respective partners. As much as I want Chenford to get together, I am extremely not okay with them pursuing a romance together while they are still committed to other people)

  • Possible Bailey and Nolan wedding?

  • Aaron graduates from being a rookie to becoming a P2


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