Bosch: Legacy - Episodes 5 and 6

Bosch: Legacy - Season 1: Episodes 5 and 6

Released May 13, 2022

There will be spoilers, so read at your own risk!

Okay, what a roller coaster these two episodes were. In the gap between Bosch and Legacy, I'd forgotten how much of an utter badass Harry is. The tense scene where Harry and Mo are trying to blow up the gas line had me in the edge of my seat (or, couch).

Just at that moment when you thought maybe Bosch would get shot, and Kaboom. A literal explosion underfoot. I'm pretty sure I audibly gasped and then cheered as Bosch made his getaway in the smoke and haze of the bomb’s aftermath.

I don't think Mo was in the original show, but he's a very welcome addition to the Bosch family. I'm loving his gadgets and the skillset that he brings to the table. He and Bosch are very much old school meets new school. And it doesn't hurt that they both have an appreciation for jazz.

Alright now as soon as they focused on Maddie and her cop friend, I immediately went on high alert and I just knew something bad was going to happen. Not 15 minutes later in the show and she gets shot (right in the neck, no less). Can we also talk about her partner's sloppy policing for one moment, please? He had eyes on the driver the whole time and he couldn't see the dude grab a gun and reach out his window to shoot? And what's worse, he doesn't even get a single solid shot off as the suspect peels away in his car. Bosch would have never let that happen. I hope that Maddie is going to be okay. It's definitely not an easy time to be a police officer. Also, did they ever mention if Maddie and her boyfriend are still together? Didn't they move in together at the end of Bosch? Did they break up? Where does Maddie live? They're hinting hard at a possible romance between her and that other rookie officer (I forget what his name is, but he reminds me of Taylor Lautner). We’ll see if he turns out to be a good guy or just another hot shot jock type.

Oh, Honey, Honey, Honey. I honestly thought she was going to be killed. What on earth was she thinking going to the shipping yard by herself? And what's worse, going “poking around”?! I kept thinking to myself, “Lady, you're a LAWYER, you got no business being here illegally, with a concealed weapon, and with no real means to defend yourself”. It's one thing to go to the shooting range for target practice. But it's a whole other ballgame to see an assailant, fish your gun out of your purse, turn off the safety, aim and hit said assailant. I think I was holding my breath the entire time she was hidden in the dark watching the Russians. I do wonder if this will come back to bite her in the butt at some point. Though, it does seem like nobody else knows about it except for her and Harry.

This Vance storyline has got me very curious. My first theory was that Dominick switched places with Lewis and snuck home to live his life. But upon Bosch visiting Lewis himself, that theory quickly went out the window. It sounds like Dominick did sneak back to America during the war to take that photo. I suspect that he became a father and that his widow and child are hopefully still alive and well, and living in the greater Los Angeles area. Hopefully those goons don't get in the way.

And last but not least, we come to the highlight of the episodes for me: J Edgar. I know I said last week that I wasn't holding my breath to see him, but I also did say that I hoped he’d make an appearance. As soon as you saw that fancy car roll up, you knew it was going to be someone with good taste. J Ed and his suits, man. He looked good. I'm so happy to see him thriving and living his best life. And in RHD, no less. Our little baby has moved up in the world. How far he's come. I'm so glad that Jerry and Harry kept in touch. They were so close in Bosch that I refused to believe they would just lose touch after Bosch retired. I love their camaraderie. Of course they weren't without their ups and downs, but frankly, what relationship doesn't have conflict? It's not always roses and rainbows, and I truly loved seeing J and Harry work through their issues together, grow as people, but most importantly, to always have the other’s back no matter what. That's true partnership right there. Bonus points for including Mankiewicz (and a special cameo of the window that Bosch defenestrated a man out of).

Tune in next week for episodes seven and eight!


The Rookie - Season 4


Bosch: Legacy - First Four