Bosch: Legacy - First Four

Bosch: Legacy - Season 1: Episodes 1 to 4

Released May 6, 2022

It’s finally here! The “spinoff”, or rather, direction continuation of the Amazon Prime show, Bosch. Picking up where the Bosch series finale left off, Legacy finds us following our eponymous hero and his daughter, Maddie, along with Honey “Money” Chandler, and of course, the gritty streets of LA.

Bosch was one of the best shows I’d seen in recent history and I was pretty bummed when they decided to end the series after seven seasons. That disappointment didn’t last long, however, as the showrunners announced they were moving forward with a spinoff (or spiritual successor, as I like to call it). If you haven’t seen Bosch, I highly recommend that you stop reading this and go watch it immediately. I’m going to operate under the assumption that you’ve seen the original show, if you’re reading a blog about the spinoff show - that is to say, there will most definitely be Bosch spoilers in here.

The first four episodes were released on Friday, May 6, 2022 and subsequent episodes will be released weekly. Legacy picks up where Bosch left off; retired from the LAPD and applying for his PI license while Maddie applies for the LAPD and Money recovers from her gunshot wound.

First off, I was so looking forward to seeing the intro theme. Bosch had such a great opening theme and title sequence that I thought for sure they’d do something to top it. I wont’ lie - I was a little disappointed. “Oh my my, times are changing” echoed on my speakers as I sat and watched the title credits for the first time. I missed the moody, gritty theme of Bosch with the “I got a feeling, I can’t let go”. What I can’t let go of is the epicness of the original show’s theme. But I digress — this is kind of like judging a book by its cover. This new song will grow on me over time, I suppose.

I love seeing Maddie as a trainee police officer (or “boot” as they’re called). One of the highlights of Bosch, for me anyway, was seeing the father/daughter relationship between Bosch and Maddie develop and grow. I absolutely love their relationship, and seeing it continue on in Legacy is a delight. I hope that Maddie talks to her dad about her experiences and any growing pains that come along with being a beat cop in LA. I also not-so-secretly hope that we’ll get a glimpse of Lt. Billets or J. Edgar at the station (but I may be setting myself up for disappointment on that one). On that note, I hope that Maddie doesn’t commit career-suicide by disobeying her Training Officer’s orders to leave the assault victim to the detectives. Maddie is such a caring and empathetic person that I worry she won’t be able to leave it be (Gee, I wonder who she gets that from!). We’ll see how that storyline unfolds as the season progresses.

Also, I’m not going to lie, the earthquake ravaging Bosch’s gorgeous home nearly broke my heart. That house is almost a main character of the show and it’s distressing to see Bosch be displaced. But, if anything, it serves as a metaphor for Bosch entering this new phase of his life, away from what he’s known (being LAPD/being at home).

I’m excited to see how the season plays out and am eagerly awaiting episode 5 to drop.


Bosch: Legacy - Episodes 5 and 6


Revolution of Our Times