Revolution of Our Times

Revolution of Our Times

Released: Initially screened in Canada in February 2022

Revolution of Our Times is a documentary following the 2019 protests in Hong Kong. At its core, it’s about freedom and democracy and how hard people are willing to fight for it.

As an Asian person with family roots in Hong Kong, I felt it was important to see this documentary. That being said, I knew going into it that it would not be an easy watch. I brought tissues with me to the theatre and I definitely put them to use more than once during the film.

The documentary is unique in that it is almost entirely anonymous, from the filmmaking crew to the interviewees themselves. This is for safety reasons, and rightly so. You will definitely understand why once you see the film. It features footage shot live on scene either from the press or from people’s cell phones. It’s truly gut-wrenching to see and it’s even more infuriating to sit in a theatre and see injustice happen and know that you are unable to help. I’d obviously heard of police brutality before and had seen some footage here and there — but that still didn’t prepare me for the level of abuse I witnessed. There were police officers shooting unarmed teenagers with both rubber and real bullets as well as tear gas. Police officers, who, by the way, are outfitted in full riot gear including gas masks, face shields and riot shields, are essentially attacking unarmed, un-gas-masked and unequipped civilians who are peacefully protesting.

In the face of such adversity, instead of taking the easy route out and giving up, they chose to show up and to protest on behalf of everyone living in Hong Kong. Don’t think this was some small grassroots protest with 150 people. The largest protest had 2 million people on the streets. You read that right: 2 million. Picture Times Square for New Years Eve — it was a sea of people.

I had a hard time finding the right words to say for this entry. It’s a sobering and solemn watch. But I urge you to please watch this so that you see what has been going on in the world. Please watch it so you can understand how hard these people are fighting for something that you likely take for granted every single day; freedom, democracy and justice. Please watch this so you may understand what it’s like to be on the ground fighting your oppressors. But most importantly of all, please watch this so that you may also help spread the word to get awareness, help and support for the people of Hong Kong.

Lastly, consider that I am able to write and publish this blog entry without fear of retribution or retaliation from my government. Know that the people of Hong Kong have had this freedom stripped away and are fighting for justice.



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